This is a sequel to my seven part story, "Pedophile's
Dream." This whole thing is a fantasy. I hope my
stories bring you some enjoyment but, please, never
try to make them a reality.
"Mommy, tell me about Uncle Mark and you."
I felt a little uncomfortable with this question from
my nine-year-old, but, I had always been
completely honest with my children. "Well, what do
you want to know?"
"Did you it?"
I was quiet for a few moments, concentrating on my
driving. " know we do. You watched us
last night." I was quiet for a little while longer.
"Your Uncle is always very sweet and gentle,
wasn't he with you."
"Yesss," Megan said in a breathy voice. "He makes
me feel....oh, just wonderful."
"Yes, he has always made my feel wonderful to,
honey." I said.
We were quiet for a while longer.
"Tell me about when you were younger." Megan
"Ya know, it's really none of your business, but, I
guess we are both Mark's lovers now, and we need
to be honest with each other." I drove on for a
while longer. I looked in the mirror and could see
that Jana, my five-year-old, was also listening. I had
been a little shocked when I watched, and helped,
my brother take my baby's virginity, but I couldn't
deny my daughters the wonder love of my
brother-it was so precious to me, I had to share it
with them.
"I was a little older than you, I was 10 and Mark
was 15 the first time we made love. We had always
been really close friends and, well, it just seemed
"One night, your Grandparents were out square
dancing, we were sitting on the couch watching
television. I was leaning up against Mark. I don't
remember exactly what we were watching but it
was kind of romantic and kind of boring. At some
point I looked up at him, he was looking down at
me, and he just leaned down and kissed me. Just a
little peck on the lips, well, maybe a little more than
a peck, but nothing too much."
"I remember that my heart started to pound and a
rush went completely through me, I think the same
thing happened to Mark because, a few seconds
later he kissed my head. I turned again and, this
time, we really kissed. I was so, I don't know, I
guess, excited...I really didn't know what I was
"I know, Mommy," Megan said. "It's sort need something, ya know?"
"I think your right, honey. All I know is that next I
was on my knees next to him on the couch, I had
my arms around his neck and we were kissing. Then
I felt his tongue on my lips was all so
natural. I had never French kissed before, I didn't
even know what it was but...." We drove on for a
little while longer.
"It felt so good to be cuddled up with Mark. I had
always really loved him, he is such a nice,
considerate, man. I don't remember him ever saying
anything really mean to me, even when we would
fight, he would never be nasty. He always respected
me, paid attention to what I wanted. All the time we
were growing up, he always let me tag along if I
wanted. He taught me to ride a bike and how to fish.
We used to fish a lot in a stream behind our house.
If he was fishing with his friends, I was always
allowed to come along."
"I remember once, oh I must have been about eight,
he and some friends were playing football in the
park and I, of course, was playing too. Well,
somehow I got the ball, I was playing with a bunch
of boys a lot bigger then I was, and went running
down the field. Some boy hit me from the side and
sent me flying. When I landed I hurt my wrist and
came up crying. Mark came running over to me and
looked at my wrist. After a few seconds he told me
that it wasn't broken (I considered him an expert on
every subject) and I'd be ok in a couple of minutes.
Then he got up and walked over to the boy who had
tackled me. He asked if I was alright but all Mark
did was punch him in the face. He landed on his
butt and I remember Mark standing over him,
shaking his fist, yelling that I was only a little girl
and he could have just grabbed me and stopped me.
Then he came over to me and took me home."
"Well, to get back, I sat on his lap and we 'made
out' for quite a while. Remembering it now, I could
feel that he had a hard-on, but at that time, I didn't
know anything about that sort of stuff. I do
remember when he reached around and started
moving his fingertips across one of my breasts. I
was like you then, I really didn't have any, but I
remember how it made me feel a tightness in my
throat and a tingling down, well, you know."
"We kissed like that for a while, then we both
jumped up when we heard the front door open. Now
I know that Mom and Dad had no idea what we
were doing but, of course, at that time I was sure
they did."
"That night, after we had gone to bed, I couldn't
sleep. I was still all tingly and I didn't know what to
do. I didn't even know that I could take care of
myself...ya know what I mean, Megan?"
"Yes mommy," Megan answered, kind of
"Well, I don't," came Jana's voice from the back.
"Haven't you ever rubbed yourself, you
know...THERE?" Megan turned around.
Jana was quiet for a few seconds, then: "Oh."
I had to laugh to myself at this exchange. Then I got
on with my story. "I couldn't sleep, so I got up to
roam around the house and I saw light under Marks
door. I knocked quietly and went in. He was reading
a book. I closed the door, then went over and sat
down on the bed next to him. We kissed some. I
told him I was cold and could I get under the covers
with him. When he lifted to blankets and sheets, I
got just a glimpse of his leg and thigh. He was
naked. I sat next to him and asked him what he was
reading. He wouldn't show me, so we got into a
tussle and, finally, I pulled his book away from him.
Well, it wasn't really a book, it was a magazine, but
small and thick, like Reader's Digest. It was called
'Penthouse Forum.'"
"I thumbed through it, there were a few ads and just
a few pictures, you know, pictures of naked woman
(I had expected that) but it was mostly writing.
Mike watched me, I started reading one of the
stories, it was a letter written by a woman named
Jen and she was describing how she and her
boyfriend made love."
"I knew about sex, but this was different. I didn't
know a lot of the words, so I had to ask Mike. Well,
at one point, I asked him some questions and I
really didn't know what he meant, so he pulled the
covers down and showed me. I had seen him naked
many times, but I had never really looked close
before. His penis was hard, and he only had a little
hair around it then, he still isn't very hairy. Then he
asked if he could look at me.
I pulled my nightgown up and took off my panties. I
sat up and sort of looked down too, I wasn't too
sure what was what down there. The story described
all these things that I didn't know, even about
myself. Well, Mike was kneeling on the bed, facing
me and he asked if he could touch me. I said ok.
Then her spread my lips, you know, apart and said,
Oh, that must be your clitoris, and down there must
be your vagina."
I couldn't see what he was talking about so I just
said "yeah."
He looked up at me, "I've read stories where girls
rub themselves there and it feels real good."
I was kind of embarrassed, "It sort of tickles."
He asked if he could touch me.
All I did was giggle a bit, I think I nodded. When he
touched me, it was incredible. He rubbed his finger
up and down me, it felt like little sparks were flying
up into my tummy. The warmth built and built.
Then, well, I remember grabbing his hand and
pushing it against me as I had an orgasm."
"What's that?" came from the back seat. Megan
scoffed at Jana's question.
"That's when you feel that real warm feeling spread
over your belly when Mike was making love to you,
honey," I said.
In the mirror, I saw Jana nod a little.
"Mike was scared, he thought he had hurt me. He
hugged me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm
I felt real relaxed, I told him he hadn't hurt me, that
I felt real good. He said, "Ohhh..., you must have
"Yeah, I guess so," I said. "It felt real good."
From the story, I knew that boys could cum too, and
I knew that they would cum if you rubbed their
penis'. So I asked Mike if he wanted to cum too.
He was sitting cross-legged, his penis was sticking
up and all I did was grab it with both hands and start
stroking it. I remember he got a far away, sort of
glazed-eye look and started breathing harder. He
leaned back on his hands but kept his legs crossed. I
watched him, I was really kind of amused. He
started thrusting, sort of lifting his butt off the bed
to meet me. It was kind of funny, but I knew that if
I laughed his feelings would be hurt, so I didn't.
He told me to go faster and I did. I was watching his
face when I felt his penis twitching in my hands. I
looked down just when he squirted his....stuff.... It
flew up and hit my neck and shoulder. Mike
groaned. I aimed him away, turning my head, but
still watched as he shot more semen onto his chest
and stomach. I never expected so much and for it to
shoot so far. I was kind of grossed out but also
In the story we had read, the girl talked about how
she liked it when her boyfriend shot his stuff in her
mouth. She said it tasted really good. So, well, I
wanted to try. So I took some on my finger, there
was a little drop sinking down my chest, and I
licked it. It was real, well, you guys know, slimy,
but it really didn't taste bad.
We giggled some, he wouldn't taste it, then he
wiped up the mess with a tee shirt and we cuddled
up together under the covers. It was so warm and
comfortable and I remember thinking that I never
wanted to sleep alone again. Later, he woke me up,
the clock said it was 2:00 AM. He had to go to the
bathroom, so did I. We giggled a little again about
who could go first, but he let me go. It was fun
sneaking down the hall naked and he stood while I
peed. He had to go so bad he was dancing. Then I
watched him pee. We giggled some more but, when
we got back to his room, he said that I had to go to
my room, we didn't want to get caught. I walked
back down the hall, then turned around and ran up
to him and kissed him. Then I went back to my
room. I was in bed before I remembered that I had
left my nightgown and panties.
That night must have been a Sunday, because I
remember getting ready for school. There was
knock on the door and it was Mike. He returned my
nightgown and panties. We stood together at the bus
stop, my bus came first, I waved at him through the
back window as I drove off.
One day, probably during that week, I went into his
room after I got home from school. Mom was busy
chatting with a friend in the kitchen and I knew that
Mike wouldn't be home for another hour. I looked
for the Forum magazine and, sure enough, it was
under his mattress. But there were some other
magazines there too. They all had pictures of naked
women in them, you know, the sort they sell behind
the counters at Circle K, but there was one that had
pictures of men and women doing 'it'. I think I
learned more about sex in the five minutes I looked
through that book than anything I have seen since.
My head was spinning that whole evening, I was so
curious and, well, I can't really explain it, but I
desperately wanted to experience the things I had
seen. The men and women in the pictures were so
pretty and they seemed to be so happy. I just wanted
to see if it was true.
I was a little scared too. In some of the pictures the
men were, well, it looked like it must hurt to have a
man put...push it inside, you know. And some of
the pictures were kind of gross too. I was really
shocked by the pictures of a man pushing himself
up a girl's butt. Well, I wasn't sure I wanted that!
After my parents had gone to bed, I snuck into
Mike's room. It was dark and I could hear him
breathing, he was asleep. I pulled my night cloths
off and slid in next to him. He woke up and said,
"Oh!" then he was quiet, then "Hi."
"I'll go back if you want," I said.
He put his arm around me, his hand brushed across
my behind. "Oh, no, please stay."
I snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek. He
turned his head and we kissed, then, without
breaking the kiss, I crawled on top of him. He put
his arms around me and we kissed more. I felt him
get hard against my thigh. I reached down and put
my hand inside his shorts around him. I really
wanted to look at him.
"Can we turn on a light?"
"Ah, yeah." He reached around and clicked on the
bed lamp.
I lifted up and looked down at him. He sort of
giggled-I think he was kind of embarrassed. "Take
your shorts off," I said. I remember how his penis
bounced up and down as he pulled his underwear
free and moved around in the bed, it was kind of
funny to watch. Then he lay back on the bed,
completely uncovered. His dick was pointed
straight up along his belly. He had his hands on
either side of him, I was sitting next to him.
I really didn't know what to do, so I just reached out
with both hands and lifted his... looking at it. I
don't know why, but I suddenly had the urge to feel
what it felt like in my mouth, I had seen the pictures
and in a couple of stories, girls had talked about
how much they liked to suck on guys. So, I leaned
down and started sucking.
Mike kind of groaned, I remember him saying, "Oh
God," and stroking the back of my head. I really
kind of liked doing this, he was so smooth and well,
you know, both soft and hard at the same time. I
sucked him in and out and looked at him. Mike had
a glassy-eyed expression and started to breathe
harder. I knew what I must have been doing to him.
After only a couple of minutes he put his head on
my chin and lifted me off. "Lori, I'm going to
cum," he said.
"It's OK," I said and leaned back down. He started
to push into me, his leg muscles were really tight. I
remember noticing that he had his toes pointed, that
looked funny! He sort of groaned again and I
remember that his penis started to twitch. Then,
suddenly, my mouth was full. Instinctively, I knew
what had happened and I closed my eyes and tried
to swallow but I really couldn't because my mouth
was too full. I remember feeling it spurt out around
my lips. I pulled him out to close my mouth and
swallow, at the same time I looked at him and he
squirted more into my face. I took him back into my
mouth and he squirted more, filling my mouth again.
All I could do was suck and swallow all I could. I
thought it was going to go on forever. It really
didn't taste bad (it didn't taste good either), it was
just real slimy. I remember that a few years later a
girl friend of mine would describe it as "having a
mouth full of snot."
After he had calmed down I lifted my chin and
looked down at me. "God, that was wonderful,
Lori," he said. I ran my hand over my face and
looked at it, it was covered with his semen. I
giggled, "Oh, you liked that!" Then I got an idea
and I reached up and wiped my hand on his mouth.
At first, I could see he didn't like it and was going
to push my away but then he stopped and, as fast as
the thoughts went through his mind, he smiled at me
and said, "It's time for me to go down on you now."
I leaned back on the bed and Mike knelt between
my knees. It was like I was being electrocuted when
he started licking me. I really sort of lost it, I
remember humping up into his face. At one point,
he pushed a finger into me as he licked me and I
just exploded. The tingles went up me, my nipples
were, I don't know, sort of snapping and I even felt
it in my arm pits and my throat. The rush went
down the inside of my thighs to my knees. After it
passed, I just lay on the bed, panting. I remember I
was really wet down there and I was sweating.
Without thinking, I said, "Put it in me."
"Are you sure?"
I lifted my hips up and said, "Now, before I change
my mind."
Mike put a couple of pillows under me, then I
remember feeling him pushing against me.
Suddenly, I was kind of scared. I couldn't see what
he was doing, all I could see was his face. He was
looking down. I felt him pulling my lips apart and
him pushing against me. It hurt a little and I said
He looked at me, he looked like he was going to
stop, but I said, "Hurry, please."
He looked back down, then pushed in. I remember
feeling my hymen snapping and suddenly he was all
the way in. It hurt and it felt so good. Mike leaned
forward, putting his hands on either side of my
shoulders, and started to push in and out. It didn't
hurt anymore and I wrapped my legs around him as
he rocked me back and forth. He started moving
faster and faster as I built too. He sort of grunted
and pushed really hard. I felt him twitching and then
I could feel him filling me. It felt so smooth and
warm and that made me start to cum. I remember I
hugged him so hard that he told me later that I was
crushing him.
After he lifted off me and I sat up, that's when we
saw the blood. I started to cry and Mike just hugged
me and rocked me. Later, we had to somehow
throw that pillow away without Mom noticing.
From then on, we made love all the time, except
when Dad sent Mike away for a while when he
caught us."
"God, that must have been embarrassing," Megan
said. I looked in the mirror, Jana was asleep.
"Well, girly, that's a story for another time."